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     When Miranda popped up in a video on my news feed , I didn’t realize how instrumental this amazing soul would be. 2 years later I have done her mentoring, taken several classes and can honestly say you get an amazing amount of information, and guidance, Miranda also ensures the information is understood.

       Her readings are always on point, and helpful. Miranda has Been instrumental in her guidance and encouragement along my path of self empowerment, without which I wouldn’t have opened up to work with dragons as intensely as i have been. i would still be wishing and hoping for better, rather than creating the life i dream of. So if you are looking for a way to break through your fears and self limitations Angelic Reiki Light Healing is a great place to start.

Glendale, AZ

Patricia Worth


      Although I had no idea what it was or that it existed, I think Reiki has been trying to get my attention for a long time. I truly believe thats how I ended up becoming a nurse. Patients would tell me that just being in the room made them feel better. I figured, sunny disposition?? Lol...I had looked into therapeutic healing courses and something called “healing hands” but life got busy and I let the idea of other classes go. Eventually, kids grew to teenagers and a work from home job, allowed me to begin volunteering time and I wanted to learn again. I searched for the healing hands course and found Reiki (or it found me!) So I took a “reiki” class. I put that in quotes because I always felt as though something was missing and that there had to be more to this.

       I decided not to go on to reiki 2 with that teacher because I felt it was just the money they were looking for and that I wasn’t feeling the fulfillment I was looking for from it or starting from a strong foundation. I started doing my own research but there is so much, as you know, and so many differing ways and opinions on reiki that I was overwhelmed and discouraged and put it away and decided when I was ready the path would be show to me. Over this past summer, I began feeling like it was time and I struggled with doing on line vs an in class setting especially after past experiences. I searched on line and your website was one of the first to come up. The word angelic stuck out to me and I quietly began watching your weekly videos.

      After a while I started leaving comments during the videos and became more engaged and felt like a part of the community and I knew you were the teacher for me! Once I knew that, I sent you an email inquiring about the classes and I’ve never looked back! The videos and hand outs are amazing! This is just what I was looking for. You’ve given me the “gps” I need to navigate this world that’s been opened up to me! With the first class I felt like I was sorta left roadside to find my own way. Everything makes so much more sense and as a nurse who is used to structure I think it’s important to start out by knowing the histories and following the techniques and guidelines. I would recommend this class to anyone who is interested in reiki and I recommend your Facebook videos all the time! I think you are a truly gifted teacher and we are all better because you share those gifts!

New Jersey

Kimberly Pindar-Chawner


​    Angelic Reading Thank you so much for the session last week! I was happy with the clarity I received on current projects as well as the clear and specific direction for the future. Your patience, skill and expertise are so appreciated. Thank you again for your loving guidance.


Diane L. Haworth, Coach, Speaker and Author of "How to Choose Love: When You Just Want to Slap Somebody"


​     Angelic Reading Miranda, thank you so very much for the reading! You provided two things I sought more than anything; clarity and confirmation. Recognizing and managing my life priorities, I currently find, are most challenging. In hectic times and transition, having you provide a source that addresses those priorities, while educating and directing me, was much needed and appreciated. Your suggestions on how to make the most of my energies were mindful, uplifting, enlightening and encouraging. The next steps in life are wonderful in anticipation, having now equipped my spirit with your shared energy and wisdom. When ‘thank you’ doesn’t quite say it all.

Glendale, AZ

Ron R.


​    I have taken several classes taught by Miranda over the years. One thing that I can count on is that what she teaches me will change my life forever to the highest good. I took her pendulums class 3 times. It's not that I am a slow learner (LOL) but I get something different from it each time. I didn't know that I had powers of divination until she showed me that with the pendulums. As if that wasn't exciting enough, she taught me how to read Oracle cards. I had know idea I could do that either. I took her crystals and crystal grid class and I learned how to manifest for things and situations that I was in resonance with. I'm taking her Expanding into Consciousness class now. This course is teaching me to tap into my own super powers thru Universal Laws which she guides us through. It's not always easy to do because sometimes I find that I am my own greatest obstacle. She is very patient with me and always guides me in a loving way to reconnect with my true self. The lessons I am learning empower me and I hope to pay it forward to others since we are all part of the human collective. Thank you Miranda for all that you do!!!!!! Love Always, Rosalyn

Fairfield, CA

Rosalyn Parhams


​      Mt. Shasta Retreat Miranda I had a amazing weekend at the Mt. Shasta retreat. I loved being with like minded women. Loved the beautiful scenery and connecting with nature. The hotel definitely hit the mark as one of my all time favorites. The rooms were beautiful and quaint, the breakfasts amazing. The gift bags and all the goodies were such a nice treat. I knew with you guiding this retreat, it would be special and that is why I made the trip from Arizona to participate. Of course, I was right. I needed this weekend to just get away and reconnect with nature in a peaceful place. I now have wonderful memories to keep with me, new friends and I am going to do my best to come out on another one with you. Namaste

Glendale, AZ

Jenise M.


​      Thank you Miranda for helping me in my spiritual growth. I learned so much in your Reiki class and in your Expansion into counciousnes classes, you make all the classes so easy to understand and I really like that you're always available for any questions I may have from your class. I appreciate that you're honest and teach from heart because you really want your student to grow spiritually. I'm honor to have you in my life you're a great master/mentor/friend and thank you for everything!

Sacremento, CA



     Connecting With Archangel Gabriel Class This was another wonderful and informative class with Miranda! I came away uplifted in spirit and full of new ideas on how to connect with the divine, and I find that to be such a precious gift. Miranda's energy is so unique and sweetly incandescent, it really elevates the messages she imparts to everyone. Even though I don't have much of the "clares" going on just yet, I find learning and these classes to be very healing and there is so much that resonates with me. I for one will be exploring more automatic writing to connect with Archangel Gabriel and I'm so curious to see what happens. Thank you so much for sharing all of your many gifts with us, Miranda! :)


Ann T. 


     Creating Your Vision Board Miranda....I had a fabulous time at your Creating Your Vision Board class. I learned a lot about creating a vision board and am looking forward to the new year!!! Of course you always create such a positive and loving experience with the amazing, fun ladies who attend your classes. It was a fun and inspirational day. You are an amazing lady. I look forward to many more classes. Thank you so much.

Woodland, CA



​      I came to know Miranda and her site Angelic Reiki Light Healing as part of deepening my spiritual journey. In these few short months, I have learned so much about spirit and meditation. I had been drawn to experience meditation using crystals and Miranda shared one of her classes “Crystal Meditation Challenge”. This class explained various crystals, their purpose for various meditation work and also included guided meditations. It was received with much love and now is part of my meditations. Another class I was drawn to was “Working with the Elemental Realm” It was very inspirational. She lovingly explains all aspects of the earthly spirits. Her classes are easy to understand, full of information and prayerful meditations. I highly recommend Miranda’s online classes. I have been blessed to have Miranda share tools to help facilitate my spiritual journey. I also enjoy her weekly facebook messages and card readings. Miranda is a beautiful and giving soul. I love hearing her voice as we experience spirit together. Blessings of love ,light and peace to all

Vacaville, CA

Marian Buslett


        I received a reiki treatment from Miranda in 2014 which was unlike any other reiki treatment I have ever received. It took place at Unity Church in Vacaville. When Miranda touched the bottom of my feet a jolt of warming energy radiated through my whole body. After this reiki treatment I knew that I was meant to learn from her. I was going through some difficult health challenges. I kept hearing her name whispering in my mind, and I chose to ignore it until it started to shout. By that time my health was terrible. I could barely breathe and I started to seek her out . Through her intervention and God working through her, I became healthier. Spirit led her to me and I have been learning from her ever since how to remain open and receptive to living the best life I can. She has been pivotal in keeping me engaged to living in oneness and to staying on the path to help me be the best I can be in body, mind, and spirit. I've always been drawn to metaphysics, and I have learned so much from her that has helped me and allowed me to bring happiness to others. I'm truly grateful for all I have learned and for our friendship.

Vacaville, CA

Karen Watson

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